Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Woman Physicians
Traveling Exhibition Workshop
Friday, April 1, 2005
Bethesda, MD
Lisa M. Boyd, Consumer Health Librarian
National Network Office, NLM
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM)
Who Are We?
5,518 Local Health Science Libraries (PALs)
50 Resource Libraries (RLs)
8 Regional Medical Libraries (RMLs)
Goals of the RML Contract 2001-2006
To develop collaborations with NN/LM libraries to improve access to and sharing of biomedical information resources throughout the nation
To promote awareness of and access to biomedical information resources for health professionals and the public
To develop, promote, and improve access to electronic health information resources by network member libraries, health professionals, and organizations providing health information to the public.
Recruit new members.
Promote more partnerships and collaborations with organizations that promote/support or provide consumer health information.
Identify effective and creative ways to reach special populations (minorities, seniors, faith-based and community-based organizations.
Evaluate what we do.
Membership in the NN/LM
Benefits include:
Certificate recognizing Network Membership.
Resource sharing/Access to Network ILL services.
Opportunity to serve on Regional Advisory Council/provide input on regional activities, programs & services.
Project funding opportunities.
Training & education.
Public Library Partnerships: An NN/LM Priority
Evaluation focus: outreach to 1) public libraries and 2) public health workforce
ML Evaluation Task Forces convened
Outreach objectives determined at the RML Director's meeting in Dallas, May 2002
NN/LM Outreach To Public Libraries: 3 Objectives
Increase links to MED+ on public library websites
Increase confidence level and skill of public librarians in answering health related questions
Encourage relationships between public libraries and "community health partners"
Task Force developed plans using a
Logic Model
Excerpt from Logic Model: Objective 3
Features of the Web Resource:
Working Together
Created by representatives from 4 RMLs and the National Network Office at NLM
Broken down into "digestible" sections
Focuses on information leading up to public libraries applying for funding for projects involving community partners, starting with members of NN/LM
Orange County Public Library System with community based organizations in Orange County, FL.
Learning Modules in Prenatal Care, Healthy Kids, Senior Wellness.
Outreach to Neighborhood Centers for Families in the County
Wicomico County Free Library & Peninsula Regional Medical Center & Wicomico County Health Department in Wicomico County, MD
Life Options Community
- Access to electronic health information by county seniors.
Sno-Isle Regional Library & Whidbey Island Hospital Foundation in Island County, WA.
Connect patients & their families, health professionals, general public with reliable health information.
Hospital linked to Library reference and health resources.
University of Virginia Health Sciences Library & Blue Ridge Area Health Education Center in VA.
Train Promotoras in Blue Ridge region.
Web site of Spanish language materials and workstations in churches and public library
University of North Dakota Health Sciences Library & four North Dakota Indian reservations.
Provide information services and training for tribal health professionals.
Expand Linking Native Americans to Health Information Web site.