Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Women Physicians

Final Report

PLEASE NOTE: This report must be completed and returned to the address below within 30 days of the closing of the exhibition. Reporting is a requirement for all exhibit projects organized by the American Library Association. Failure to make a timely final report may affect your library's opportunities to host future exhibits or take part in other ALA Public Programs Office projects. It is often difficult to monitor exhibit attendance, but informed attendance estimates are required. Please use extra paper if necessary.

1. LIBRARY NAME: __________________________________________________________________

2. CITY/STATE:_____________________________EXHIBITION DATES: ___________________


Total # exhibit visitors: _________________________________ Actual ___ Estimate ___ (check one)

Source of statistics:____________________________________________________________________________


Total # library visitors during exhibit: _______________________Actual ___ Estimate ___(check one)

Source of statistics:______________________________________________________________________


Please summarize your programming efforts in a few sentences, characterizing your audience and scope of programming. Mention how you presented the required reception and programs.

Individual program descriptions (include Title, Format and Presenter for all programs; use extra paper if necessary). Please provide final overall attendance figure for all programs.

1) Required Opening Reception _________________________________________________________


Total attendance________ Adults _____ YA ______ Children _____ School Groups_____

2)Required program ________________________________________________________________


Total attendance_________ Adults _____ YA ______ Children _____ School Groups_____

3) Required program __________________________________________________________________


Total attendance________ Adults _____ YA ______ Children _____ School Groups_____

Program ___________________________________________________________________________


Total attendance________ Adults _____ YA ______ Children _____ School Groups_____

Program ___________________________________________________________________________


Total attendance________ Adults _____ YA ______ Children _____ School Groups_____

Total number of programs ___________ Total program attendance ____________


Total number of students/ elementary_______H.S. ________ visiting the exhibition

Total number of classes using
Changing the Face of Medicine materials in the curriculum:

elementary ______H.S. _________

(Include descriptions of programs for students under No. 4)

6. FUNDING (include sources and actual/in-kind amounts of support for any exhibition-related programs, invitations, printing, events, etc.):

Source:_____________________________________________________________ Amount:_________

Source:_____________________________________________________________ Amount:_________

Source:_____________________________________________________________ Amount:_________

Total: _______________

7. PUBLICITY If your library is an academic or medical library, describe how you tried to attract public audiences from outside your customary user groups to the exhibit and programs, and indicate whether or not you were successful. Public libraries please describe the results of your publicity strategies for the exhibit.

8. PUBLICITY SAMPLES Please attach three copies of all library-produced publicity pieces , including posters and flyers, all newspaper articles, and other materials such as bibliographies, bookmarks, invitations, etc.; copies of your Changing the Face of Medicine web site pages; and captioned photographs taken at exhibition programs if you have them.


Please identify source of comments, e.g., librarian, program participant, presenter or partner organization. Comments are valuable in reports to funders about exhibitions, and we appreciate your gathering them.

Submitted by: __________________________________________ Date:_________________________

Phone: _______________________________________________ E-mail:_______________________

Return this form and attachments within 30 days of the closing of the exhibition to:

Sofiana Peterson, ALA Public Programs, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611

Any questions, please call (312) 280-5045 or contact