Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Women Physicians
Sample Letter to Community Groups
(NOTE: In mailings to the media and community groups, include announcements, flyers and brochures of library programs related to the exhibition. Letters to the media should also include press kits, offer assistance in developing stories, and include the name of a library spokesperson to contact for interviews.)
(NAME OF LIBRARY) is pleased to announce the opening of an exciting new exhibition, "Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Women Physicians" on
(DATE). The library is one of 61 libraries in the United States selected to host the traveling exhibition.
"Changing the Face of Medicine" tells the extraordinary story of how American women who wanted to practice medicine have struggled over the past two centuries to gain access to medical education and to work in the specialty they chose. It describes women's successful quest to become doctors and introduces audiences to outstanding physicians from across the United States. Women physicians are now found in every branch of medicine. They are researchers on the cutting edge of new medical discoveries, educators, surgeons, family practitioners, specialists, and government medical officials.
Interactive kiosks traveling with the exhibition provide educational activities, information about medical careers, and biographies of outstanding women physicians. Audiences may also add names of their own favorite women physicians to a web site.
The National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Md., and the American Library Association Public Programs Office, Chicago, Ill., organized the exhibition with support from the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women's Health, and the American Medical Women's Association.
We would like to invite you to a special preview of the exhibition on
(DAY, DATE) at
(TIME) at the library
(NAME) will be the guest speaker. A news release included with this correspondence provides additional details. Please contact me at
(TELEPHONE, E-MAIL) if you have questions.
We hope you can join us as we introduce this informative exhibition to our community.