Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Women Physicians

Publicity Images -- Captions and Credits

Below are captions and credits for the publicity images permitted for the exhibit. The images themselves are only on the CDs given to each library on the tour (captions and credits are also on the CD). The images will not be on the exhibition web site. Please use the captions and credit lines at all times when you use the images.

  1. S. Josephine Baker, M.D., Dr. P.H., was a prominent public health physician during the first half of the 20th century.

    Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-058326, ca. 1920

  2. An illustration of anatomical lectures at the Women's Medical College of the New York Infirmary,
    Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, April 16, 1870. The Women's Medical College was founded by Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell and her sister, Emily Blackwell, in 1869.

    National Library of Medicine, Images from the History of Medicine

  3. Nina Starr Braunwald, M.D., M.S., shown in this 1960 photo, was one of the first women to train as a general surgeon at New York's Bellevue Hospital. A pioneer in the field of heart surgery, she led the team that was the first to implant a prosthetic heart valve, which she also designed.

    Eugene Braunwald, M.D.

  4. Dr. Susan Briggs (second from right) with a U.S. burn team near Ufa, Russia, June, 1989. Dr. Briggs founded the International Medical Surgical Response Team in 2000 to respond to natural and manmade disasters.

    Susan M. Briggs, M.D., M.P.H.

  5. Dr. May Edward Chinn examining a young patient, 1930. Dr. Chinn graduated from medical school in 1926 and practiced medicine in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City for 50 years.

    George B. Davis, Ph.D.

  6. Dr. Katherine Flores, shown here with her grandmother, Antonia Hernandez, in 1972, credits her grandparents, who were migrant workers in Fresno, California, for giving her a strong work ethic.

    Katherine A. Flores, M.D., photography by Olan Mills

  7. Dermatologist Dr. Nancy E. Jasso, one of the founders of a laser tattoo-removal project in the San Fernando Valley of California, removes a tattoo from a patient's arm, ca. 2001.

    Nancy E. Jasso, M.D., M.P.H.

  8. Dr. Sharon M. Malotte was the first Native American from Nevada to become a physician.

    Sharon M. Malotte, M.D., photograph by d'Joyce Bismarck, 1986

  9. Dr. Antonia Novello (left) with Deputy Surgeon General of the United States Audrey Forbes Manley and Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, 1998. Novello became Surgeon General in 1990.

    Antonia C. Novello, M.D., M.P.H., Dr. P.H.

  10. Dr. Linda Shortliffe earned board certification in urology in 1983, when there were only 15 women urologists in the U.S. Now there are more than two hundred.

    Linda M. Dairiki Shortliffe, M.D., 2000

  11. Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was the first woman awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, for her work as a surgeon during the Civil War.

    National Library of Medicine, Images from the History of Medicine