Astro4Girls Resources
Astronomy Education Resources (mainly NASA-related)
A: General
Explore! Discussion Boards (for librarians, afterschool providers and informal educators)
Stop For Science (poster)
B: Exhibits
C: Astro4Girls "Exploring the Universe Beyond Our Eyes" Workshop-Specific Resources
D: Astro4Girls "Learning From Light" Workshop-Specific Resources
Astronomical Observing Resources and Partners
Night Sky Network (of astronomy clubs)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Girls
A. Meta-Resources
Women in Astronomy: An Introductory Resource Guide to Materials in English
B: STEM-oriented Girl-Serving Organizations, Collaboratives:
GirlsGoTech (Girls Scouts)
C: Professional Societies for Women and STEM:
Women in Physics (American Physical Society)
Best practices
A: Engaging girls and families in STEM:
B: Science education and special needs:
STEM Careers
A: Profiles of Women (and Men) in STEM:
B: Reading List / Books about women scientists:
You Can Be a Woman Astronomer by Andrea Ghez and Judith Cohen (2006, Cascade Press)
Women Astronomers: Reaching for the Stars by Mabel Armstrong (2008, Stone Pine Press)
African American Women Chemists by Jeannette Brown
Astronomy through Art
Poetry by:
Diane Ackerman (e.g.: The Planets: A Cosmic Pastoral)
Rebecca Elson (e.g.: A Responsibility to Awe)
Astronomy & the Arts (links for the film "Seeing in the Dark")
Benefits of Astronomy to Society
Astronomy in Society (from: the National Academies' New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2010)
Benefits to the Nation from Astronomy (from: the National Academies' Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium 2001)
Benefits of Astronomy (from WikiAnswers)