LTC: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries Site Support Notebook - Online Learning and Your LTC Conversations


Per the LTC: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries grant guidelines, library project directors must complete the six-part, asynchronous eCourse “Libraries Transforming Communities: Facilitation Training for Small and Rural Libraries” and host a minimum of one conversation with community members.

LTC’s goal is to help library workers develop community engagement skills, such as those required to lead conversations. ALA has compiled a range of resources to help you prepare for your conversation.

eCourse and Programming Guide

Project directors are required to facilitate their conversation(s) using skills learned from the six-part, asynchronous eCourse, “Libraries Transforming Communities: Facilitation Training for Small and Rural Libraries.” This online course is on the Moodle platform, and you will need to create a free ALA eLearning account to access it. View instructions for using Moodle here.

You should prepare to spend approximately four hours to complete the entire course prior to your first planned conversation. Please note: The eCourse is entirely asynchronous. Project directors are free to complete the course at a pace that works best with their availability.

Also available for your use is the companion Facilitation Guide, “Leading Conversations in Small and Rural Libraries” (PDF). While use of the guide is not a grant requirement, we hope you will find it a useful reference.

Both the eCourse and Facilitation Guide are free and available to all library workers, regardless of whether they received an LTC grant from ALA. The materials were made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant number RE-17-19-0041-19.

Grantee Webinars

In addition to the eCourse, grantees are also required to attend/view the three onboarding webinars. These webinars are designed to help you effectively implement your community engagement projects and complete grant requirements. More information is available on the General Information page.

Next page: Communicating about Your Grant