New Resources Available: LTC Cohort Training Materials

The LTC Public Innovators Cohort -- the 10 libraries being intensely trained in the Harwood practice and putting it to work in their communities -- completed a three-day training in Denver last month. All of their training materials are now available for free download.

The LTC Public Innovators Cohort Training Resources contains 79 pages of instructions and worksheets. Topics include:

  • leading aspirations conversations
  • becoming stewards of public knowledge
  • identifying what "stage" your community is in and determining what actions to take toward facilitating progress
  • acting with the "3As" -- authority, authenticity and accountability

The Community Conversation Guide provides resources for planning and facilitating the community conversations that will strengthen the connection between you and your community and guide your community engagement endeavors.And three case studies provide an opportunity to think critically about putting the Harwood process into action.