Cataloging and Classification - ALA Groups and Guidelines

  • Cataloging Electronic Resources 2005-2006 (ALCTS)

    Short essay that summarizes and comments on electronic resources having become the means of discovery and research for users of all types of libraries. One of a series of research articles in cataloging and classification. Not a comprehensive literature review, rather focuses on further possibilities for research. The essays are not peer-reviewed. --by ALCTS CCS Research and Publications Committee, 2006.
  • Guidelines for Cataloging Microform Sets (ALCTS)

    These guidelines encourage cataloging microform sets and having them made available to other libraries through set- processing capability. by ALCTS Bibliographic Control of Microforms Committee, 1988
  • Guidelines for Standardized Cataloging for Children (ALCTS)

    Guidelines for cataloging all materials deemed intellectually suitable for children and young people. Chapter 1 of "Cataloging Correctly for Kids, 4th ed." published by ALA, 2006.
  • Guidelines for Subject Analysis of Audiovisual Materials (ALCTS)

    These guidelines, intended for the use of librarians and administrators responsible for providing access to library materials, give direction for the subject analysis of audiovisual materials including moving image materials, kits, art works, realia, and some sound recordings. It excludes music sound recordings and scores, as well as computer software.
  • Resources for Catalogers of Children's Materials (ALCTS)

    List of web sites that help answer questions about cataloging, mainly related to children's and young adult material, but it also includes some general information.
  • Research in Subject Indexing and Classification 2002-07

    Essay detailing the research conducted during this period on the topic of subject indexing and classification. (ALCTS CCS, 2009)
  • Training Catalogers in the Electronic Era (ALCTS)

    This outline provides the essential elements of a training program for entry-level catalogers. Training should begin with LC copy cataloging before moving to contributed copy and finally to original cataloging. The timetable depends greatly on the individual cataloger. The total training program will probably require from six months to one year to complete. -- by ALCTS CCS Committee on Education, Training and Recruitment for Cataloging
  • Value of Cataloging Librarians (ALCTS)

    Document intended to be a tool for managers and catalogers to explain the true value of their work. --by ALCTS CCS Executive Committee, 2006

Related Interest Groups

  • Authority Control Interest Group (LITA/ALCTS)

    The Authority Control Interest Group provides a forum for discussion of a variety of issues related to authority control for online catalogs and for international sharing of authority of data. The goals are to raise the level of awareness on authority control issues, to encourage ideas for new approaches to authority control and to promote significant research on authority control.
  • Cataloging Norms IG

    Offers a forum for the exploration, communication, and exchange of ideas and best practices on the dynamics of cataloging/metadata norms and workflows in the hybrid environment.
  • MARC Formats Interest Group (LITA/ALCTS)

    The MARC Formats IG provides a forum to educate the library community on the MARC formats, their purposes, uses, developments and implementation; as well as to encourage the use and implementation of the formats.
  • Next Generation Catalog Interest Group (LITA)

    This group gives LITA a discussion space devoted to developments in the library catalog, its nature and scope, and its interfaces. It provides a forum for presentations and sharing of innovation in catalogs and discussion of future directions.