ALA Store FAQs
FAQs for the ALA Store, ALA Editions, and ALA Graphics.
General ALA Store FAQs
- My account information from the old ALA Store no longer works. What should I do?
- Why can't I find a product on your website even though I've done a keyword search?
- What if I've forgotten the information I need to supply in order to get my ALA member discount?
- Where can I find out about shipping, taxes, tax-exempt orders, payment options, how to contact customer service, or how to place an international order?
- How are the Shipping & Handling charges calculated?
- When will I be charged for backordered items, and will I have to pay for shipping twice?
- What if I'm not happy with my purchase?
- Can I order online using a purchase order?
- How can I print out my order to accompany a purchase order?
- What is the wish list?
- How do I place an order if I don't live in the U.S.?
- I would like to remove my name from your mailing lists.
- I am receiving multiple copies of the ALA Graphics or Editions catalogs. How do I receive only one?
- Can I order products in bulk or for consignment?
- Do you accept product submissions from outside sources?
- Can I use your images on my website?
- Where can I find the art for the International Library Symbol?
- Where can I find information about the ALA Book Awards or lists of the historical winners?
ALA Editions FAQs
- Where can I obtain information about the ALA Editions Approval Plan and view the latest bulletin?
- Where can I learn more about writing for ALA Editions?
- I'm a new ALA Editions author; where can I find tips on preparing my manuscript?
- How do I request a professional review copy of an ALA Editions title?
- How do I request an instructor's desk copy of an ALA Editions title?
- Where do I send published review(s)?
- What licenses are in place for ALA e-books?
- What are the future plans for RDA?
ALA Graphics FAQs
- I have a question related to one of your digital products.
- What's the difference between the READ CDs and the READ DVD?
- Do I get a discount for buying a large quantity of posters?
- Who chooses the books that celebrities hold in READ posters?
- Who are the celebrities that have participated in the Celebrity READ Poster campaign, and how do I suggest a new one?
- I have a wonderful assortment of ALA Graphics posters; what's the best way to frame them?
- Can we make our own READ® Posters?