Introduction to Healthcare Knowledge and Library Services, available at the ALA Store.

Library services and healthcare knowledge in the UK

Published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, “Introduction to Healthcare Knowledge and Library Services” explores the range of roles in this important area of practice, from "traditional" librarian roles to those that break new ground, from clinical, embedded, and outreach librarians to knowledge management workers. Edited by Geoff Walton, Frances Johnson, David Stewart, Gil Young, and Holly Case-Wyatt, this collection provides a comprehensive, practitioner-focused introduction to all aspects of knowledge and library work in the UK health sector. Starting with an overview of NHS England and how knowledge and library work sits within it, the book addresses such critical areas as services supporting evidence-based practice, the developing area of health information literacy, collaborative working, demonstrating impact, and value and research discovery.

book cover for Digital Literacy, Inclusivity and Sustainable Development in Africa

The future of digital literacy in Africa

CHICAGO — Sustainable development can only be achieved when no one is left behind. An enduring lesson from the COVID-19 crisis is how important the availability of digital infrastructure and skills for individuals and communities is for teaching, learning...

book cover for The Disaster Planning Handbook for Libraries

Disaster planning and preparedness for libraries

CHICAGO — The library is a vital information hub and resource provider every single day, and that’s doubly true when calamity strikes. In fact, libraries’ designation as “essential community functions” during disasters is now encoded in U.S. law. Engaging...

PLA, AT&T team up to bring digital literacy training to families

CHICAGO – The Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association, and AT&T have announced a collaboration to improve digital literacy and promote broadband adoption among families and communities, particularly those who are...