
New from ACRL - "Data Culture in Academic Libraries"

CHICAGO - The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) announces the publication of " Data Culture in Academic Libraries: A Practical Guide to Building Communities, Partnerships, and Collaborations," edited by Marcela Y. Isuster and Alisa B...

book cover for vileged Spaces: Academic Libraries in University Estates Strategy

Academic libraries in university estates strategy

CHICAGO — “ Privileged Spaces: Academic Libraries in University Estates Strategy,” published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, draws on the knowledge and experience of library leaders, estates directors, space managers, and...

book cover for Using Literature to Support Children's Mental Health

Supporting children's mental health through literature

CHICAGO — Generation Z and Alpha youth are facing mental health crises that many adults are unprepared to address. There have been dramatic rises in the numbers of young people reporting feelings of hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. The global...

book cover for The High-Impact Digital Library: Innovative Approaches for Outreach and Instruction

High-impact digital library outreach and instruction

CHICAGO — Digital library terminology like “accessible,” “discoverable,” and “searchable” usually presumes passive collections waiting to be found by motivated information seekers. Rarely do we envision collection managers initiating outreach with those...

book cover for Understanding Public Libraries: Management, Leadership and Ideology

A new analytical framework for supporting public libraries

CHICAGO — “ Understanding Public Libraries: Management, Leadership and Ideology,” published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, advances a scientific understanding of public libraries and ultimately poses and explores the vital...

Choice announces the Outstanding Academic Titles of 2024

MIDDLETOWN, CT - The Choice Outstanding Academic Titles (OAT) list for 2024 has been announced. This prestigious list, released today, reflects the best scholarly titles reviewed by Choice during the previous calendar year, as chosen by the editors. This...

book cover for “101 Seeds for Library Joy"

New book filled with tips for creating joy in libraries

CHICAGO — Feeling burned out, dispirited, or just plain blah? Then it’s time to plant some joy! Library joy is more than a feeling; it is a choice and call to everyday practices of connection, empowerment, and well-being. And it isn’t a heavy lift—in fact...

New from ACRL - "Closing a College Library"

CHICAGO - The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) announces the publication of " Closing a College Library," edited by Amber Hunt, Elizabeth Ruane, and Stephanie Sopka, offering checklists, sample documents, and effective practices for...

book cover for “Serving the Underserved: Strategies for Inclusive Community Engagement”

Strategies for serving the underserved

CHICAGO — Underserved populations frequently do not have access to a library—or they may even be unaware that they have an information need. How can we as a profession effectively reach them? Geared to both graduate and undergraduate LIS students as well...

book cover for “Information Literacy Through Theory"

Conceptually rich information literacy research and practice

CHICAGO — Information literacy research is growing in importance, as evidenced by the steady increase in dissertations and research papers in this area. However, significant theoretical gaps remain. “ Information Literacy Through Theory,” published by...

book cover for Wonder Libraries: 20 Expert Perspectives on What Kids Need Now

Expert perspectives on what kids need now

CHICAGO — Though librarians, educators, and other professionals who serve children and teens continuously strive towards equitable outcomes that help kids heal, grow, and flourish, it can be a challenge to settle upon small, actionable steps for moving...

book cover for A Slow Approach to Visual Literacy in Higher Education: Lesson Plans for Critical Discernment

Lesson plans for a slow approach to visual literacy

CHICAGO — The principles of “slow librarianship”—which prioritizes reflection, collaboration, solidarity, and valuing all kinds of contributions—can also support deeper and more sustained learning and understanding. “ A Slow Approach to Visual Literacy in...

American Association of School Librarians (AASL) logo with tagline "Transforming Learning"

A New Look for Knowledge Quest

CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is proud to announce a new look to our official association journal, Knowledge Quest (KQ). After fourteen years, the KQ refresh offers a fresh coat of paint on an old classic, with the...