Intellectual Freedom

Red background, white words: BOOK BANS ARE REAL. ALA logo

ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real

The American Library Association responds to the Department of Education's dismissal of complaints about censorship and discrimination: the "effort to terminate protections... advances the demonstrably false claim that book bans are not real."

Arkansas Book-Banning Law Declared Unconstitutional

The US District Court for the Western District of Arkansas today declared Arkansas Act 372 unconstitutional in an opinon indicating that the law is overbroad and void for vagueness, and permanently enjoined its enforcement.

2025 Eli M Oboler Memorial Award. Now accepting submissions! Books published in 2023/2024 with the central concern of one or more issues, events, questions, or controversies in the area of intellectual freedom. Deadline: January 2, 2025. Intellectual Freedom Round Table

IFRT Seeks Nominations for the Eli M. Oboler Award

The Intellectual Freedom Round Table is seeking book nominations for the 2025 Eli M. Oboler Memorial Award. The award winner will be announced in the spring of 2025. A certificate of recognition and $500 cash award will be presented at the 2025 American...

book cover for Prepared Libraries, Empowered Teams: A Workbook for Navigating Intellectual Freedom Challenges Together

A workbook for navigating intellectual freedom challenges

CHICAGO — Whether a book challenge is upon you, on the horizon, in your rearview mirror, or not yet in sight, now is the time to start envisioning what a challenge-ready team looks like in your organization. “ Prepared Libraries, Empowered Teams: A...