A Call for Nominations and Applications
A Call for Nominations: Citation for Wellness in the Workplace Award

To acknowledge the fact that library staff are our greatest asset in building and supporting sustainable libraries and communities, the ALA Sustainability Roundtable (SustainRT) is recognizing libraries that go above and beyond in meeting the wellness needs of their staff with the SustainRT Citation for Wellness in the Workplace.
All ALA members are invited to nominate any library who has made efforts to meet the needs of their staff in the areas of continuing education, wellness, positive work environment, unions, salaries, gender equity, pay equity initiatives, and other activities designed to improve the salaries and status of librarians and other library workers. Nominations should be submitted by March 15, 2022.
Nomination: https://bit.ly/3B7jGcw
A Call for Applications: SustainRT Diversity in Sustainability Conference Stipend

The SustainRT Diversity in Sustainability Conference Stipend recognizes the importance of social equity to SustainRT and ALA, and works to support new and diverse members to overcome barriers to participating in the professional development and networking opportunities presented by ALA conferences and events. SustainRT will provide up to $500 each year to help one candidate to attend the ALA Annual Conference through the stipend which can be used for fees associated with registration, housing, meals, travel, or any other costs incurred as a result of attending the in-person or virtual conference.
The Sustainability Round Table will offer a $500 conference stipend to a SustainRT member attending the 2022 ALA Conference. Applicants should be new and diverse voices in library sustainability or first-time attendees.
See the submission form to apply and for more info on requirements for awardees: https://bit.ly/3GRlQyl