Using Taxonomies
Taxonomy tags make it possible to create dynamically generated pages that are assembled from queries to the database that return the items with the appropriate tag or tags.
How to Select & Add Tags
- Important: When selecting 'child' tags, you must also select the parent. For example: In the Audiences taxonomy, if you want to select Young adult librarian, you must also select Librarian.
- Units should always include their unit tag on their content, even if no other tags are added.
- Go to the appropriate taxonomy.
- Scroll the list to locate the relevant tag(s).
- Highlight the tag desired.
- To select multiple tags from the same taxonomy: hold down the Control key and click on each one (use the Command key on Macs).
- Save the content.
Proposing a New Term for the Existing Taxonomies
If, after reviewing the available taxonomy terms you have a need for others, please send an email to Usually, your request will be reviewed, and implemented if approved, within two business days.
The Taxonomies
- ALA Units: Used to identify units to make it possible to pull types of content, such as press releases or online learning pages to aggregated pages that display all of a unit's content on that microsite.
- Audience: TBD
- Division Interest Groups & Sections: Used to identify divisions and sections to make it possible to pull types of content, such as press releases or online learning pages to aggregated pages that display all of a division or group's content on that microsite.
- Event Type: Used primarily for Calendar display, so that like items will color code and so that filtering and specialty calendar views can be set up.
- Format/Product Type : TBD
- Genre/Subject: Used primarily for awards, grants and book reviews.
- Geographic: Self explanatory, used for Libraries Matter.
- Items ALA Generates: Makes aggregated pages for each term possible.
- LIS Subject: Required for use with Online Learning.
- Marketing: TBD
- PR Category: Used only for press releases and intended to make for better aggregated displays of ALA news.
- Type of Library or Org: List of library and organization types.
- Years: Starts with a tag for pre-1876, and proceeds to the current year. Makes it possible to tag historic documents and events.
Adding Taxonomy Terms
Taxonomy is the practice of classifying things.
To add a new taxonomy term, follow these steps:
- Click on the “Structure” link in the admin header menu.
- Click on the “Taxonomy” link either in the admin header menu drop-down or in the Structure page content.
- Choose the vocabulary you want to edit a term of under the “Vocabulary name” column and choose its “list terms” link under the “Operations” column.
- Click the “+ Add term” link to create a new term or locate the term you wish to modify and click its “edit” link.
- Enter the content on the add/edit term form as desired.
- Scroll down and click “Save”.