
Users often experience that site maps are out of date. To correct this issue, confirm that settings automatically clear the cache on a daily basis.

If the cache is not set to clear daily, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the “Login” user menu link and log in as the Admin User.
  2. Navigate to “Configuration” tab.
  3. Locate the “Search and Metadata” section.
  4. Click on the “XML sitemap” link.
  5. Click on the “Settings” tab.
  6. Under the “Minimum sitemap lifetime” dropdown, change the value from “No minimum” to 1 day
  7. Click on “Save Configuration”
  8. If you want to update the sitemap manually as opposed to waiting for the next cron cycle.
    1. Click on “List” Tab.
    2. Click the dropdown under “Update Options.”
    3. Select “Update cached files” and click “Update.”
  9. Visit the sitemap link to verify it was updated.
    1. Ex. 
  10. Finally if the sitemap still does not regenerate, check that Drupal Cron is configured correctly on the server.