Member News

To create Member News content, follow these steps:

  1. Log in and click the “Content” link in the admin menu.
  2. Click the “+ Add content” link.
  3. Click the “Member News” link.
  4. Enter the header for the article in the “Title” field.
  5. Enter your text content into the “Contact Name” area.
  6. Enter your text content into the “Contact Job Title” area.
  7. Enter your text content into the “Contact Unit” area.
  8. Optional: Enter your text content into the “Contact Org” area.
  9. Optional: Enter your text content into the “Contact Phone” area.
  10. Enter your text content into the “Contact Email” area.
  11. Enter your text content into the “Body” area. For more on formatting your text, review the formatting content section.
  12. Enter your text content into the “Related Links” area.
  13. Optional: Select the site to include this news release in search results on selected site.
  14. Enter required metadata from the “Metadata” tab. See the ALA Metadata section for more details.
  15. Click on the “Taxonomies” tab.
  16. Select terms for “ALA Units”.
  17. Select terms for “PR Category”.
  18. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page.