Listing Pages
Use the Listing Pages content type to create dynamic, taxonomy-driven Listing Pages that shows content from ALA sites. Listing pages work hand in hand with Taxonomies. New listing pages can be requested by submitting a request through TrackIt.
If you have permission to create a Listing Page, follow these steps to do so:
- Log in and click the “Content” link in the admin menu.
- Click the “+ Add content” link.
- Click the “Listing Page” link.
- Enter the header for the page in the “Title” field.
- Select the values within the various taxonomy fields, for the tab that is appropriate to display the results you want.
- Has ALL of these tags (means the page must have every item you choose in order to show up in the results)
- Has ANY of these tags (means that a result item only needs to have one of the selections to show up in the resulting display)
- Has NONE of these tags (means that a result item will exclude one of the selections listed)
- Optional: Click on the “User Exposed Filters” tab to allow searchers viewing the page to filter the results further.
- Click on the “Additional Options” tab.
- Select which sites you want searched by the Listing Page query.
- Choose the order in which you want the resulting list sorted.
- Enter your text content into the “Body” area. For more on formatting your text, review the formatting content section.
- Enter required metadata from the “Metadata” tab. See the ALA Metadata section for more details.
- Click “Save” at the bottom of the page.