Feature Slideshow

Use the Feature Slideshow content type to create a container for feature slides to be displayed on different pages.

To create a Feature Slideshow, follow these steps:

  1. Log in and click the “Content” link in the admin menu.
  2. Click the “+ Add content” link.
  3. Click the “Feature Slideshow” link.
  4. Enter the location of the slideshow in the “Title” field. (i.e. ALSC Homepage Slideshow)
  5. Select size of slideshow.
  6. Add the path for this slideshow to appear on in the “Block URL” area.
    1. For homepage the “Block URL” path is typically “Home”. If that doesn’t work, try “<front>”.
    2. Do not include: ala.org, your first directory, or leading forward slash at the beginning or end or the item will not display.
  7. Enter title(s) of slides you wish to add to slideshow in the “Featured Slides” fields.
  8. Slides will display in order unless the “Random Slides” checkbox is marked.
  9. Select “Slideshow layout” value of default or vertical to force slide titles to appear on the right side of images.
  10. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
  11. Flush cache to see changes.

Featured Slideshow Autoplay Options

To enable or disable slideshows automatic slide advancement feature, site admins can follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Configuration” link.
  2. Click the “ALA Carousel” link found in the “Media” section of the page.
  3. Enable to automatically play slides. This is the default behavior.
  4. Disable by unchecking the “Autoplay” checkbox.
  5. Click “Save Configuration”.
  6. Flush cache if changes don’t appear right away.