Locating Content

A node is a piece of content in Drupal, typically corresponding to a single page on the site, that has a title, an optional body, and perhaps additional fields. Every node also belongs to a particular content type, and can additionally be classified using the taxonomy system. Examples of nodes are basic pages, committee pages, online learning pages and images.

To see a list of all content:

  1. Click Content in the Toolbar (black bar at top of page) or Find content on the Shortcut bar (gray bar) immediately below the Toolbar.
  2. By default, the page lists nodes with the newest at the top but you can sort by any other criteria by clicking on that column heading.
  3. Each row represents one node and may or may not have several links to manage that node directly because content types are connected to user roles and their permissions. A Basic Content Editor will see all nodes for the area of the Website that they have permission to edit but will only be able to edit the Basic Page, Members content type and therefore will only have links under the Operations column to manage that content type.
    1. View it by clicking its title, if you have permission to edit the page, below the title of the page you will see both a View and Edit tab, clicking the Edit tab opens the content type and you can begin to make modifications.
    2. Edit it by clicking its edit link under Operations.
    3. Delete it by clicking its delete link under Operations or put the page in Edit mode and scroll down to the bottom of the content type and use the Delete button. (Basic Content Editors can only delete their own content.)
    4. View the user page for the node's author by clicking the name link in the Author column.
  4. To manage content types other than Basic Page and Basic Page, Member, staff and member-volunteers should contact and collaborate with their Division, Division Section and Round Table Web Lead.

Filtering the content list

You can filter the list to only display certain content types (type) or by status which for the configuration of the ALA.org CMS really means published or not published (promoted (to first page) and sticky refer to a Drupal site like ALA Connect where a content editor may want certain posts to stay at the top of a listing). To do so:

  1. Choose whether you want to filter the list by status or content type.
  2. If you want to filter on multiple criteria, select any criterion to filter on first. You'll have an opportunity to filter further on other criteria after you've set the first filter. Select a value from either the status or type drop-down list and then click the Filter button. The screen now shows only those nodes that meet your stated criterion. Once you've selected your first filter term, the options will change to Refine, Undo, and Reset., continue adding criteria, clicking Refine after each one.
  3. To go backward one step in the filtering process, click Undo.
  4. To return to seeing the full list of nodes, click Reset.