Broadband Access, Internet and Technology Use in ALA Library Holdings

ALA Policy on Broadband Access

From ALA Library Collection

Bridging the Digital Divide with Mobile Services by Andromeda Yelton (2013). Only available as eBook.

Broadband Access as a Public Heath Issue: The Role of Law in Expanding Broadband Access and Connecting Underserved Communities for Basic Health Outcomes (2019). Digitally available Journal Article.

Broadband Adoption Rates adn Gaps in US Metropolitan Areas by Adie Tomer and Joseph Kane (2015). Only available as eBook.

Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide: Federal Assistance Programs by Lennard G Kruger and Angele A Gilroy (2008). Only available as eBook.

Digital Citizenship: The Internet, Society and Participation by Karen Mossberger, Caroline J Tolbert and Ramona S McNeal (2008). Only available as physical copy, call number HM851.M668 2008.

Digital Dead End: Fighting for Social Justice in the Infomration Age by Virginia Eubanks (2011). Only Available as physical copy, call number HM846. E93 2011.

Digital Literacy and Digital Inclusion: Information Policy and the Public Library (2014). Only available as physical copy, call number HM851.T535 2014.

Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums by Edward M Corrado and Heather Moulaison-Sandy (2014). Only available as physical copy, call number Z701.3.C65 C67 2014.

Disability and the Internet: Confronting the Digital Divide by Paul T Jaeger (2012). Only available as physical copy, call number HV1569.5.J34 2012.

Diversifying Digital Learning: Online Literacy and Educational Opportunity By William G Tierney, Zoe B Corwin and Amanda Achsner (2018). Only available as physical copy, call number LB 1028.3.D583 2018.

Fiber to the Library: How Public Libraries can benefit from Using Fiber Optics for their Broadband Internet Connection by John Windhausen and Marijke Visser (2009). Available both as eBook and as a physical copy, call number TK5103.592.F52 W56 2009x.

Higher Education in the Internet Age: Libraries Creating a Strategic Edge by Patricia Senn Breivik, and E Gordon Gee (2006). Only available as physical copy, call number Z675. U5 B816 2006.

The Information needs of Communities: The Changing Media Landscape in a Broadband Age by Steven Waldman and the United State Federal Communications Commission, Working Group on Information Needs of Communities (2011). Only available as eBook.

Information Users and Usability in the Digital Age by GG Chowdhury and Sudatta Chowdhury (2011). Only available as physical copy, call number ZA3075. C46 2011.

Intellectual Freedom in the Information Society, Libraries and the Internet by Stuart Hamilton and Susanne Seidelin, IFLA/FAIFE (2003). Available both as eBook and as a physical copy, call number Z711.4.I57 2003.

Libraries and Google by William Miller and Rita M Pellen (2005). Available both as eBook and physical copy, call number Z674.75.I58 L353 2005.

Libraries and Mobile Services by Cody W Hanson (2011). Only available as eBook.

Making Connections: Lessons from Five Shared Library Networks by ALA Office for Information Technology Policy (2010). Available both as eBook and physical copy, call number Z674.8.M35 2010.

Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access by Ulrich Herb and Joachim Schopfel (2018). Available only as print copy, call number Z286.O63 O66 2018.

Proposed Framework for Digitally Inclusive Communities: Final Report produced by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (2011). Available as eBook.

Public Libraries and the Internet: Roles, Perspectives, and Implications by John Carlo Bertot, Paul T Jaeger and Charles R McClure (2011) Only available as print book, call number Z674.75.I58 P84 2011.

Public Libraires and Internet Service Role: Measuring and Maximizing Internet Service by Charles R McClure and Paul T Jaeger. (2009). Only available as eBook.

Scholarshop in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet by Christine L Borgman (2007). Only available as print copy, call number AZ195. B67 2007.

Without a Net: Librarians Bridging the Digital Divide by Jessamyn West (2011). Only available as physical copy, call number Z674.75.I58 W47 2011.

Youth, Identity and Digital Media By David Buckingham (2008). Only available as physical copy HQ799.2.I5 Y67 2008.

American Libraries Magazine

The Latest on Broadband Bills: ALA Supports Federal Efforts to Expand Access by Marijke Visser and Kevin Hamher. July 15, 2020.

FCC Opens Emergency Broadband Benefit Programs: Libraries can Raies Awareness about new Funding by Larra Clark. May 11, 2021.

Broadband is Coming - Is Your Library Ready? by Marijke Visser. November 9, 2015

Libraries and Broadband: Urgency and Impact. April 24, 2014.

Why Librarians Should Care about the National Broadband Plan. June 1, 2010.

Bringing Broadband to Tribal Lands: Senators Introduce Tribal Connect Act ot Extend E-Rate Access. December 12, 2017.

Arts Online: Streaming Services Highlight Art, Music and Fashion by Carrie Smith. July 1, 2020.

Children and Libraries

Beyond the Computer Age: A Best Practices Intro for Implecemting Library Coding Programs by Stephanie C. Prato. Vol 15 no. 1 (Spring 2017).

Where are We Now? The Evolving Use of New Media with Young Children in Libraries by Kathleen Campana, J. Elizabeth Mills, Marianne Martens and Claudia Haines. Vol 17 no. 4 (Winter 2019).

Coded to Succeed: A Beginner's Primer to Robots, Kids, and Libraries by Leah Hoenig. Vol 16 no. 3 (Fall 2018).

A Virtual Vertical File: How Librarians Utilize Pintrest by Kate Eckert. Vol 14 no. 2 (Summer 2016).

Using Social Media to Impart Early Literacy Tips to Parents by Jill Bickford. Vol 15 no. 2 (Summer 2017).

Envisioning a Twenty-First Century Children's Library by Andrew Medlar. Vol 14 no 1 (Spring 2016).

Choice 360

Webinar - Gone Phishing: Service Continuity after a Cyber Attack. May 20, 2021.

College and Research Libraries

Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges in Libraries, a Systematic Literature Review by Emmanouel Garoufallou and Panorea Gaitanou. Vol 82 no.3 (2021).

Innovating Support for Research: The Coalescence of Scholarly Communication? by Heather Moulaison Sandy, A.J. Million, and Cynthia Hudson-Vitale. Vol 81 no. 2 (2020).

Framing Outcomes and Programming Assessment for Digital Scholarship Services: A Logic Model Approach by Meris Mandernach Longmeier and Sarah Anne Murphy. Vol 82 no. 2 (2021).

Documenting Digital Projects: Instituting Guidelines for Digital Dissertations and Thesis in the Humanities by Roxanne Shirazi and Stephen Zweibel. Vol 81 no. 7 (2020).

Researchers' Expectations Regarding the Online Presence of Academic Libraries by Anna Mierzecka, Malgorzata Kisilowska, and Andrius Suminas. Vol 78 no. 7 (2017).

3D Data Repository Features, Best Practices, and Implications for Preservation Models: Findings from a National Forum by Hardesty et al. Vol 81 no 5 (2017).

Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL)

Application Level Security in a Public Library: A Case Study by Richard Thomchick and Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca. Vol 37 no.4 (December 17, 2018).

Privacy and User Experience in 21st Century Library Discovery by Shayna Pekala. Vol 36 no. 2 ( June 28, 2017).

A Technology-Dependent Information Literacy Model within teh Confines of a Limited Resources Environment by Ibrahim Abundai. Vol 37 no. 4 (December 17, 2018).

The Role of the Library in the Digital Economy by Serhii Zharinov. Vol 39 no. 4 (December 12, 2021).

TV Whites Spaces in Public Libraries: A Primer by Kristen Radsliff Rebmann, Emmanuel Edward Te and Donald Means. Vol 36 no.1 ( March 31, 2017).

From Editorial Board Thoughts Section

Public Libraries Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Creating a New Service Model by John Goddard. Vol 39 no. 4 (December 21, 2020).

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Does it Pose a Threat to Libraries? By Brady Lund. March 14, 2021.

What More Can We do to Address Boradband Inequity and Digital Poverty? by Lori Bowen Ayre. Vol 39 no. 3 (September 21, 2020).

Knowledge Quest

Anchor Institutions, Advocacy and Broadband by Connie Wiliams. May 17, 2016.

Net Neutrality: Why School Librarians Should Care by Helen Adams. July 27, 2017.

Marginalizing the Marginalized with Internet Filtering by Hen Habley and Doug Johnson. October 1, 2015.

There's So Much on the Web! Helping Students Become Internet-Research Savvy by Angie Miller. May 10, 2018.

Social Media Presence in 2016 by Hannah Byrd Little. December 20, 2015.

Digital Tools to Encourage Student Voice and Choice by Steve Tetreault. May 10, 2021.

7 Changes I hope Remain Post Pandemic by Hannah Byrd Little. April 5, 2021.

Public Libraries Online

Better Broadband: How Your library Can Take Advantage of E-rate Funds by Ginny Miles. November 30, 2015.

WiFi Lending: Balancing Supply and Demand by Karen Pundsack. July 6, 2017.

Reaching Across the Digital Divide by Kristin Whitehair. July 5, 2016.

The Dangers of Internet Filtering by Romeo Rosales Jr. June 20, 2016.

Narrowing the Digital Divide: New York Public Library Loans out Hotspots by Jula Pyatesky. June 11, 2015.

Towards a Framework for Digital Justice in Public Libraries by Amita Lonial. March 5, 2018.

Tackling Meta-Illiteracy by Nadine Kramarz. November 29, 2019.

Libraries Working to Overcome Digital Divide by Rebecca Cruz. September 19, 2013.

Topic - Digital Divide

Topic - Open Internet

Reference and User Services Quarterly

Changing World, Changing Libraries: New Literacies, New User Needs and Leadership for Change by Mary Pagliero Popp. Vol 52, no.2 (2012).

Adult Readers' Advisory Services through Public Library Websites by Susan K Burke and Molly Strothmann. Vol 55, no. 2 (2015).

Reference in the Age of Disinformation by Nicolette Warisse Sosulski and David A Tykoson. Vol 57 no. 3 (2018).

Amplify Your Impact: My Body is Ready - Best Practices for Using Memes on Library Social Media by Andy Woodworth. Vol 58 no. 2 (2018).

Cutting through the Fog: Government Information, Librarians, and the Forty-Fifth Presidency by Kian A. Flynn and Cassandra J. Hartnett. Vol 57 no. 3 (2018).