ALA Metadata webpages require that the Author, Editor, SEO Title, and SEO Description located under the Metadata tab of every content type are populated.


In the Metadata fields, enter the following information:

  1. Add “Author” name. Typically, the ALA unit responsible for the content should be listed in the “Author” field.
  2. Add “Editor” name. Typically, the staff or member content manager is listed.
  3. Enter your text content into the “SEO Description” field. It is a best practice to have the text in the Summary, Description and SEO Description fields for every content type to be populated and match.
  4. Enter the page title into the “SEO Title” field.

Access Data

Optional: Restrict how authorized users can access your content by enabling settings in the “Access Data” section. This area of the Metadata tab allows you to restrict who views this page based on the use of unique codes housed in our association management database, iMIS. When navigating to this page, the site visitor will receive a prompt to login. During login, their iMIS record will be referenced to make sure that the criteria indicated in the metadata fields matches the dues product and activity codes associated with their iMIS record. If it does, they will be able to access the page. If not, they will receive an error message.

  • “​All ALA Members​” - Check this box to make your resource available to all ALA members as defined by iMIS. Do NOT check if you need to restrict to smaller groups. Instead use options, below.
  • “Some ALA Members” - To restrict access to one or more membership types using iMIS code(s) separated by commas. Examples: ASSOC for associate members, CH for chapter members, R for regular members, ST for student members. For a complete list of codes, staff can consult the iMIS database, member volunteers should contact their staff liaisons.
  • “Division, Round Table, Committee Members and/or Event Registrants” - Use this field to restrict access to members of groups and to registrants of classes and events.

To work, all codes used here must be in iMIS, our association management database. Divisions, sections, interest groups, round tables & committees all have codes. See below for instructions for how to assemble them. Classes & events, whether free or paid, must be set up in iMIS Events to get a code to use here.

Add one or more codes, separated by commas. Construct division and round table codes by adding a period after the acronym. For example, use ACRL. to make available only to ACRL members, or ACRL.,VRT. to restrict to ACRL and VRT members. To limit to a section, use the division acronym underscore the section acronym (no period); ACRL_ARTS will limit access to members of the ARTS section. To restrict access to those who have signed up for an event, use the event code from iMIS. For committees, use the committee code.

  • “Member Only Expiration Date” - If there is a time that this page can be seen by all visitors to the Website, enter that date here and the access permissions entered above will be removed.

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