Additional Settings

URL alias

When you are editing any content you can control the URL or website address that the content will live at. To create a URL alias, follow these steps:

Note: Remove alias when deleting pages.

  1. While editing your content, click the “URL path settings” tab on the left sidebar at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter the URL you want in the text input labeled “URL alias”.

Page Layout

Optional: Make selections from “Theme configuration” options.

  • Hide Breadcrumb - Check to hide breadcrumb on this page.
  • Hide Right Sidebar - Check to hide the right navigation sidebar (if you have navigation pods that you don't want to display on the page).
  • Hide Left Sidebar​ - Check to hide the left sidebar.

Select a setting from the Navpod Page Location dropdown menu on a basic page to place precreated navpods.


Use this section to add multimedia content to a webpage.


Menu Settings

Select the option "Provide a menu link" to include a link to the content in the left sidebar navigation.


Flag is a flexible flagging system that is completely customizable by the administrator. This feature is not used on sites currently.

Book Outline

Books are sets of pages tied together in a hierarchical sequence. You can use books for manuals, site resource guides, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), or curricula. Use this section to add a piece of content to a book.

XML Sitemap

The XML sitemap module creates a sitemap that conforms to the specification. This helps search engines to more intelligently crawl a website and keep their results up to date. XML sitemap defaults on are optimized for each content type. Only change this setting if you want to include or exclude a page in Google indexing.

Meta Tags

Drupal uses metatags automatically structured metadata about a website. Use default settings for this section.

Comment Settings

Note: Comments are not used on ALA sites.

Toggle between "Open" and "Closed" in the "Comment Settings" section to adjust settings that determine whether or not users can post comments on a piece of content.

Scheduling Options

Use the "Scheduling Options" feature to publish and/or unpublish your content automatically. Leave the date blank for no scheduled publishing or unpublishing.

Authoring Information

The "Authoring Information" section contains information about the user who created a given piece of content and the time at which it was created (copyright date).

Publishing Options

Publishing options settings effect whether or not content is published and where content displays. Navigate to the "Publishing Options" section to select from the following options.

  • Published - produces live content on the site (unpublished content is not live on the site).
  • Promoted to front page - do not use this option to publish content to the homepage.
  • Sticky at top of lists - Pins content to the top of lists.