Middle and High School Curricula on Sustainable Communities

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Benedict J. Hren and Diane M. Hren, Community Sustainability (Gaithersburg, Md.: Isaak Walton League of America), 1996. This high school unit contains six sets of activities that involve students in defining sustainability, analyzing their community’s past, visioning a sustainable future, and engaging in sustainability service projects.

Mary Paden, ed., Exploring Sustainable Communities: Teacher’s Guide (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publ. Co.), 1997. This high school unit contains seven lessons that focus on the student’s local community as well as make substantive comparisons with cities around the world.

Pamela Wasserman, People and the Planet: Lessons for a Sustainable Future (Washington, D.C.: Zero Population Growth, Inc.), 1996. The fourth chapter in this middle school compilation of lessons focuses on “you and your community,” with an emphasis on sustainability issues.