SRRT Membership Virtual Meeting, September 24, 2020 Notes
SRRT Membership Meeting (Virtual)
September 24, 2020
April Sheppard, Melissa Cardenas-Dow, Steven Harris, Sherre Harrington, Al Kagan, ALA ODLOS (Monica Chapman), Julie Anne Winkelstein, Marna Clowney-Robinson, Mark Hudson, Tara Brady, Laurie Aycock, iPhone David, Tom Twiss, Heather Ogilvie, Elaine Harger, Ray Pun, Steve Phalen, Lisa Eichenholtz, Charles Kratz, Lisa Gieskes, Jane Cothron
I. Virtual Midwinter
Members impacted economically by COVID-19 have conference fees waivered. Application form should be on website (ALA did not set up form in time for Annual). Julie suggests SRRT reaching out to the ethnic caucuses. SRRT agreed to $1200 for ALA Annual, but it wasn't used; can we set this amount aside for Midwinter? Question about who sets up the form: Conference Services adds the form. Updated financial report and membership report should be out mid- to late-October.
II. Forward Together
Tara Brady : Council comes up in every discussion of Forward Together. Nov. 6 Shared Round Table governance documents. Tara does not have a true sense of how Council is leaning on the question of abolishing or changing the structure of Council. Discussion has included setting a given number of Council seats to types of libraries and functions to increase membership representation. Sense of the discussion is that the emphasis remains on director/management positions and leadership, not including front line staff; this needs to change, but is not being included in the zeitgeist. Council meetings are open and the statement that "membership doesn't care about that" keeps coming up, but the forums are open.
Melissa Cardenas-Dow: Council discussion has been chaotic.
April Sheppard: Tara please send dates and information on the upcoming meetings to April to be distributed to SRRT.
Julie Winklestein: could someone explain the changes to Round Tables.
Tara Brady : positions, bylaws, of Round Tables will be standardized.
Charles Kratz: has been attending Round Tables meetings on Forward Together, changes do not look good for SRRT--generic, ex. committees, not task forces--feels like no one is listening to concerns. Difference is not supported in the Forward Together discussions.
Al Kagan: might lose the category of free Student Membership.
Sherre Harrington: do we have information on whether student members become paying members (Al--information not available, no membership reports since February). Monica can check with ODLOS to see if the office can do this sort of research.
Julie Winklestein: what happens if we don't comply?
Tara Brady: doesn't know what would happen; now we don't want to get the staff liaison in trouble. Charles Kratz: what happens to the Round Tables that do not have 1% of membership as members? (meeting Oct. 9); is there any question about larger round tables supporting/subsidizing smaller groups to keep them in existence.
Tara Brady: Support Staff, GODORT both on the chopping block.
Charles Kratz: could we consider joining together round tables instead of getting rid of them?
Sherre Harrington: consider how members come to the organization; if ALA is becoming less relevant, then why take away the means of easily affiliating with people who have similar interests? The language is very patriarchal.
Elaine Harger: is there any discussion of grandfathering the smaller round tables into the new structure? That would be awful to have the round tables that have been here and so important.
III. ALA should be speaking up about the terrifying statements coming from the White House limiting free speech, divisive language, not recognizing racism, committee on patriotic education; is there direction to ALA to address these issues? Tara to contact Ed Garcia. Jane: Should SRRT write a resolution about this?
TomTwiss: Executive order from 2 days ago about racial and sexual stereotyping so no federal agencies can address stereotyping. Funding and grants to universities can be cut if these things are taught. Similar to executive order on anti-semitism from last year. Julie: statements on EDI are absolutely against this and ALA needs to act.
JulieWinklestein: working on a template for libraries on registering to vote and voting in the form of questions. People without devices/who cannot get to the library cannot access library guides on voting. Wants to have libraries print out the questions and post the answers on their doors.
April Sheppard: will help, can come up with a template for a poster that could be printed.
Next Meeting: October 27, 2020 12:00 pm Central time