Libraries and the World Trade Organization
- Information and Social Change , No. 14, Winter 2001-2002. Special issue devoted to the theme "Globalisation and Information."
- Resources for Further Reading, by Fiona Hunt, Derek Yap, and Tom Childs (2000)
- WTO Bibliography, by Jonathan Betz-Zall. (2000)
- IFLA Position on the World Trade Organization (2001)
- ALA Resolution on WTO Policies Affecting Libraries (2000)
- SRRT Resolution on World Trade Organization Policies Affecting Libraries(2000)
- CLA Perspective on the WTO Meetings (1999)
- IFLA Position on WTO Treaty Negotiations
- SRRT Resolution on the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI)(1998)
Websites with Additional Links
The GATS and Libraries Provides links to readings about the likely impact on public libraries of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS),which is still being negotiated.