2005 IRTF Report

ALA Midwinter

Boston, January 2005

Tom Twiss

Social Responsibilities Round Table Newsletter, No. 150/151, June 2005, p. 17.

At our ALA Midwinter meeting, the International Responsibilities Task Force

planned the program we will cosponsor with theProgressive Librarians Guild at ALA Annual, Destabilization, Disinformation, and Librarians from Chile, to Cuba, to Venezuela. This program will be held on Saturday, June 25, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Attorney Eva Golinger will discuss U.S. attempts to remove Venezuela's President Chavez from power; SRRT member Ann Sparanese will talk about U.S. destabilization and disinformation campaigns and how librarians can respond; and

SRRT member Al Kagan will show a Power- Point presentation on libraries under Pinochet by Chilean librarian, Clara Budnik.

We also discussed the Resolution on the Connection between the Iraq War and Libraries and agreed to recommend that SRRT Action Council resubmit this resolution to ALA Council this summer. Currently, the petition/ resolution can be found at <http://libr.org/irtf/resolutions/iraqpetition.html.&gt;

Finally, we reaffirmed plans to move the IRTF website to <http://libr/org&gt;; and we discussed plans to add additional Alternative Resources pages to the site in the near future.