"The Feminist" Discussion List
Introduction to the Feminist
(from Feminist Moderator Theresa Tobin)
Welcome to Feminist , the discussion list of the American Library Association's Social Responsiblities Round Table's Feminist Task Force. This list is moderated, which means that all messages from new members come through the editor (me) before being posted on the list. Make sure you send messages for the list to: feminist@mit.edu
The purpose of the list is to communicate the work of the Feminist Task Force and to solicit suggestions for additions to the agenda of the Task Force. It is also hoped that the list will encourage discussion of feminism as it applies to librarianship and that members will share their concerns about work, education, collection building, professional literature, and issues of primary concern to women in our field. This list also serves communication purposes of other ALA Women's Groups, such as the Women's Studies Section.
In the past, the members of the list have been informed of programs at ALA conferences, asked for advice on setting up a program on Sexual Harassment, discussed salaries in female-intensive professions, childcare and libraries/librarians. We also solicited ideas from the membership on the role librarians should/could play in bringing the work of small feminist presses to our user communities and ideas for increasing the coverage of women's issues in publications such as American Libraries.
We expect that discussions will respect the ideas and opinions of all contributors and that we will "speak" as if we were present
together at a Feminist Task Force Meeting.
As owner and editor of the list, my function is to communicate with the systems managers here at MIT about problems in mail delivery or the working of the Mailman software. If you have problems, first check out the mail page at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/feminist. You can set your preferences for the mail list at this location.
Theresa A. Tobin
Have fun and I hope you contribute to the discussions.