The W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship provides financial assistance to an individual who is currently working with government documents in a library and is trying to complete a masters degree in library science.
Lindsay currently serves as a student worker in the Government Documents Department at the Ellis Library at the University of Missouri-Columbia. With severe budget cuts...
The 2009 recipient for the W. David Rozkuska Scholarship is Justin Joque. Justin is a staff member at the University of Michigan Graduate Library, and...
Ray Walling, a student at the University of Michigan School of Information, is the 2008 recipient of the W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship. He also works...
The 2007 recipient of the W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship is Michael Schmidt M.A. candidate in the School of Information Resources and Library Science at the...
The W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship award winner for 2006 is Kevin Reynolds. The Rozkuszka award provides financial assistance to an individual who is currently working...
The W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship was created in 1994 in memory of David Rozkuszka, a former Documents Librarian at Stanford University. Its purpose is to...
While in school, Mark worked as the Digital Project Department Lab Manager for the University of North Texas Willis Library. As a digital librarian, Mark...
The 2003 scholarship recipient of the W. David Rozkuszka scholarship is Naomi Frantes, who is currently enrolled in the online Master of Library Science program...
2003 - Winner(s)
Next Deadline
Open to any individual who is currently working with government documents in a library and is trying to complete a masters degree in library science
Applications and reference forms (which must be submitted online) are available during that time period. Instructions and general information remain available year-round.
Before starting, read the ALA Scholarship FAQ, and carefully review the requirements in each category for the scholarships you are applying for.
PLEASE NOTE: It is only necessary to complete ONE online application regardless of the number of scholarships you apply for. You may apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible for by checking the appropriate boxes on the application form.