ALA Scholarships

ALA provides over $300,000 annually toward accredited masters degree programs in library study. Use the drop-downs below to filter by library specialty and other eligibility criteria, or browse all of the ALA Scholarships.

Looking for other sources of financial aid?

Financial aid opportunities are also available from academic institutions, library associations, and other agencies that grant financial assistance for library education and information studies.

Go to the Financial Assistance Directory

Looking for conference travel grants?

ALA Grants provide financial or material support for library programming, library initiatives, research, dissertation and other publishing endeavors, and conference travel expenses.

Go to ALA Grants


Library Service Interest

Core/OCLC Spectrum Scholarship in Library and Information Technology

The Core/OCLC Spectrum Scholarship in Library and Information Technology is designed to address the specific issue of under-representation of racially and ethnically diverse librarians within library technology.

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Technology Services
Member of Minority Group

Bound to Stay Bound Books Scholarship

Administered by ALSC, this scholarship is available for individuals who plan to work in the area of library service to children.

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Children's and Youth Services

David H. Clift Scholarship

An annual scholarship consisting of $3,000 to a U.S./Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is pursuing an MLS in an ALA-accredited program.

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Mary V. Gaver Scholarship

Open to MLS students specializing in youth services in an ALA-accredited program.

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Children's and Youth Services
Young Adult Services

Miriam L. Hornback Scholarship

Open to an ALA or library-support staffer pursuing an MLS in an ALA-accredited program.

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Library Support Staff Member

Christopher Hoy Scholarship

An annual scholarship consisting of $5,000 to a U.S./Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is pursuing an MLS in an ALA-accredited program.

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