Robert L. Oakley Memorial Scholarship

To support research and advanced study for librarians in their early-to-mid-careers who are interested and/or active in the fields that Robert Oakley was expert in—intellectual property, public policy, copyright and their impacts on libraries and the ways libraries serve their communities.

image of Robert L. Oakley


Year Began: 2012 - Year Terminated: 2021

Professor and law librarian Robert Oakley was an expert on copyright law and wrote and lectured on the subject. He served on the Library Copyright Alliance representing the American Association of Law Librarians (AALL) and played a leading role in advocating for U.S. libraries and the public they serve at many international forums including those of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).  He served as the United States delegate to theInternational Federation of Library Associations  Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights from 1997-2003.  Mr. Oakley testified before Congress on copyright, open access, library appropriations and free access to government documents and was a member of the Library of Congress’ Section 108 Study Group. A valued colleague and mentor for numerous librarians, Oakley was a recognized leader in law librarianship and library management who also maintained  a profound commitment to public policy and the rights of library users.



Frequency: Annual

A $1,000 scholarship

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