To offer librarians and/or staff members from all types of libraries an opportunity to learn new fundraising skills enabling them to increase funding to their libraries from public, private and corporate sources.
The scholarships are given for professional education of school librarians, one school to be chosen annually by the AASL for its undergraduate program, and one for its graduate program in school librarianship. The schools will vary from year to year and the
This program was developed by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA) to assist public library staff members who are working toward securing a library degree by awarding funds to the employing public library
An annual scholarship consisting of $1,500 to a U.S./Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is pursuing an MLS specializing in federal librarianship in an ALA-accredited program.
This scholarship was ended in 2003. For a complete list of all scholarships offerend through ALA, please go to ALA's Awards, Grants & Scholarships page.
The scholarship is designed to encourage the entry of qualified persons into the library automation field who plan to follow a career in that field and who demonstrate potential leadership in, and a strong commitment to the use of automated systems in