Union List of Serials Working Group
Midwinter 2002 Report
Marilyn Grush, Chair University of Delaware
Cecelia Boone, MINITEX
Robert Dowd, New York State Documents, ALCTS representative
Sunnie Kim, National Library of Medicine
Collette Mak, OCLC
Kathryn Ryan-Zeugner, Notre Dame University
To recommend suggestions for implementation of the Recommendations submitted by this Working Group at ALA Annual 2001.
- Broaden makeup of the ULS Working Group Committee to include users of other bibliographic utilities as well as OCLC users. The committee has added Sunnie Kim from the National Library of Medicine who is familiar with Docline. The rest of the committee is comprised of predominantly OCLC users. There is no question that it is desirable to have ILL people on this committee who use other bibliographic utilities. Up to this point in time, there have been no ILL people from other bibliographic utilities who have expressed interest to join this working group. Dennis Massie, the liaison to the ILL Committee from Research Libraries Group (RLG) previously expressed interest to join this working group. With the approval of the ILL Committee, the ULS Working Group recommends that RLG be invited to be represented on this committee.
- Adding a RLG liaison would facilitate exploring the possibility of a union catalog acting as a pointer to local systems for serials holdings and availability as an alternative to loading holdings information into a union list. The former utilizes a non-legacy or peer-to-peer system using Z39.50 extension schema holding while the latter utilizes a legacy system with continual updating for current serials holdings information.
- We applaud OCLC for establishing the OCLC Union Listing Listserv for those who would like to discuss the future of OCLC union listing of serials.
- Cathy Kellum of OCLC has been contacted and asked how we can help to publicize the OCLC initiatives of batch loading of serials holdings information and the extension of the Strategic OCLC Union Listing pilot project to update local data records with serials union list holdings. There were no suggestions at present of what to use as an enticement to update serials holdings other than to make others aware in our discussions of what is available.
- Someone from this committee needs to attend the OCLC ILL Users Groups of ILL and Union List of Serials to ask for an update of the status of these OCLC projects.
- Suggest as a priority item that the RUSA MOUSS ILL Discussion Group explores the topic of negotiating with vendors for ILL use of copies made from their full text databases.
- With ALA Annual in Toronto in 2003, explore the perspective of how Canadian libraries handle the union list updating of their serials holdings.