primary sources
What are Primary Sources: More Info
- Additional explanations and examples of primary sources
Web Sites:
- Getting Started: What are Primary Sources - Library Research Using Primary Sources - Primary Sources Research - Researching History: Types of Sources>
- Brundage, A. (2002). Going to the sources: a guide to historical research and writing. Wheeling, IL: Harlan Davidison.
- Howell, M.C. and W. Pevenier (2001). From reliable sources: an introduction to historical methods. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- McDowell, W. H. (2002). Historical research: A guide. London: Longman.
- Peterson, T. H. (1993). "Using the finding aids to archive and manuscript collections." In C. A. D’Aniello (ed.), Teaching Bibliographic Skills in History: A Sourcebook for Historians and Librarians (pp. 265-292). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
- Getting Started: What are Primary Sources
Images: Letter from George Washington to Josiah Thompson, July 2, 1766. Courtesy of American Memory.