Welcome to CODES

CODES, the Collection Development and Evaluation Section is the place in ALA for reference/user services librarians and staff from all types of libraries to discuss the rapidly changing landscape of collection development, readers’ advisory, and publishing.


  • Already an ALA member? Join RUSA (you must login). You can join CODES and as many other RUSA selections as you want at no extra charge.
  • New to ALA? New members— Join ALA and RUSA now! —and don't forget to add CODES!

Getting involved - It's easy!

We always welcome new volunteers - Check out the committee list and then go to the RUSA volunteer site to sign up.

Most committees meet at ALA Annual and Midwinter, but there are virtual opportunities too! Many of our meetings are open to visitors so just stop by the next time you attend an ALA conference. We would love to meet you.

Want more information about a CODES committee? Contact the CODES Vice-Chair.

News and Views


CODES Conversations

CODES occasionally offers focused electronic conversations on current issues facing collection development and readers’ advisory librarians. The conversations are open to all who wish to participate (or lurk). Click here and subscribe to join the conversation!