About Academic BRASS

Newsletter description & guidelines

I. Description.

The BRASS-Academic committee web newsletter is not a journal. Articles and other submissions are for the general and educational interest of BRASS members and especially business librarians working in academia. The newsletter will be published twice a year on the BRASS web site. All past issues will remain on the web site as an archive.

II. Content.

While the newsletter exists primarily as a mode for members of the committee to inform and educate business librarians on issues and resources for our discipline, submissions from other business librarians and similar parties will be considered for inclusion. Ideas for submission will be discussed at the ALA annual and midwinter meetings and an attempt will be made to create a list of topics for future issues. Email discussion of possible articles will also be considered. A total number of articles for each issue will be a moving target, but will at least be two articles per issue.

III. Article Types Accepted.

Although any submission related to academic business librarianship will be considered, the committee is eager to encourage articles of the following kinds:

  • Issue based articles dealing with assessment, business resources, liaison activities and outreach, student relations, and instruction.
  • Successful research or program articles regarding business librarianship
  • Strategy articles on approaches to research assistance and explanations of research tools, especially electronic resources.
  • Review articles on books, electronic resources or web sites.

IV. Bibliographic and Editorial Style.

A. All articles should be practical and useful. Our contributors use a journalistic, sometimes humorous tone.

B. Occasionally, feature articles can extend to 1000 words or more, but a more typical length is 500-800 words. Authors should be guided by what they have to say rather than an arbitrary word length.

C. All articles are subject to editing for length, style, and content.

D. The newsletter follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition for all matters of style and citation. Authors whose articles include references to print or internet resources are urged to observe the conventions set forth in that book and on the APA web site (http://www.apastyle.org/).

E. All articles should follow the template for formatting, including the header, subject headings, images, font type and size, and paragraph spacing.

V. Procedures for submitting articles.

Articles should be sent via email to the editor(s). The editor(s) will set deadlines and authors will be adequately notified. When an article is to include graphics or photographs, please secure copyright clearance when necessary.

VI. Selecting the editor.

The editor of Academic BRASS may be the current chair or a member of the Business Reference in Academic Libraries committee.

VII. Advertising.

No advertising is currently accepted, but banners may be considered at a future date. Banner images from reviewed commercial resources, or similar media will be included if permission is granted by the company or other banner owners.

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