Academic BRASS, Volume 3, No. 1

vol 3(1), Spring 2007

Competition for Mergent? A Brief Look at Bureau van Dijk’s Osiris Database

Louise Feldmann, Business Librarian, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Is there a good competitor to the Mergent Online database?

International Business and Economic Information on the Web

Jeanie Welch, Business Librarian, J. Murray Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

The global nature of the World Wide Web has brought an abundance of formerly hard-to-find information on international business and economics to libraries.

Challenges Faced by a New Academic Business Librarian

John E. Juricek, Librarian, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California in Los Angeles

John E. Juricek shares some of my experiences as a new academic business librarian.

Academic Business Library Helps Spread Economic Development

Paul Brothers, Business Reference Librarian, Angelo Bruno Business Library, University of Alabama

The Alabama Entrepreneurial Research Network (AERN) was established to encourage small business start-ups in economically impoverished west Alabama.