Academic BRASS, Volume 1, No. 3

vol 1(3), December 2003

BLINC of an Eye - Business Librarians in North Carolina: an easy model for developing local interest groups
Susan Wolf Neilson, Reference Librarian for Management and Economics, North Carolina State University, and Steve Cramer, Business Librarian, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Interested in knowing how to form an interest group of business librarians in your area? This is the story of how two motivated librarians formed BLINC, the Business Librarians in North Carolina interest group.

Weighing the Benefits of an MBA: Survey Results
Elisabeth Leonard, Head-Reference; Business & Economics Librarian, Wake Forest University

What do your business librarian colleagues think about pursuing an MBA degree? Find out the results of this October 2003 survey.

Business Librarians and Publishing Opportunities: Part II: E-journals, etc. and tenure.
Stacey Marien, Business Librarian, American University

Tenure, e-journals, and other e-publishing. How do they relate? Stacey discusses her experience and ideas on the issue and conveys the thoughts of business school professors on this timely topic.

Editor's Note:
I hope you enjoy this third installment of Academic BRASS as much as I enjoyed editing it. I expect you will find much to read and ponder in this issue. In the September issue, I promised four articles. Alas, I ended up with merely three. I will make no such pronouncements in the future. No worries though, this group of business librarians has completed some excellent work. Thanks everyone.