Academic BRASS, Volume 1, No. 1

vol 1(1), May 2003

Information Competency Skills for Business Students
Nancy A. Cunningham, Reference Services Coordinator, Sonoma State University

On many university campuses, business students are seemingly some of the most over confident of all library patron groups when it comes to accessing, selecting, and evaluating online information. Often, they assume everything they need is accessible through a quick search on Google or another favorite search engine. At times this naiveté and overconfidence in the web leads to frustration when results of a search do not measure up.

Resource Review: Bridge Progeny
Anne Bradley, Business Reference Librarian, California State University, Sacramento

From 1987 to 2001 Bridge Information Systems Inc. provided select universities with low-cost access to a real-time financial market data system called Bridge Telerate....However, Bridge filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February 2001 and assets were sold to both Reuters and Moneyline. While the Bridge University Program came to and end in late 2001, both Reuters and Moneyline have started programs to offer access to data on a vast array of financial information and markets to universities at reduced prices.

AACSB - New Standards for Changing Times
Patrick Sullivan, Business Reference Librarian, San Diego State University

On April 25th, 2003 the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) approved the new standards for Business School accreditation....Katherine Mangan has highlighted the most recent accreditation changes in a article that appeared in the Chronicle of Higher Education on May 9th, 2003....The Chronicle article addresses the accreditation changes from the College of Business' perspective,but what are the impacts from the Library's perspective?

Recruiting Business Information Professionals for the Future
Lisa O'Connor, Instructional Services Coordinator & Business Reference Librarian, Kent University
Stacey Marien, Business Librarian, American University

During the San Francisco 2001 BRASS discussion group meeting, 2 group members, Lisa O'Connor and Stacey Marien presented their findings about the difficulty libraries were having in recruiting quality business librarians.