Handbook Manager

brass handbook

BRASS Handbook Manager


Established in 1997.


To keep the BRASS Handbook current on the Web. To notify all Handbook holders of changes, deletions or additions and to distribute hardcopy of pages or entire Handbooks as necessary

Term of Office

The BRASS Handbook Manager is a one-year appointment, indefinitely renewable.


One person is appointed to be the BRASS Handbook Manager. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect makes the appointment.

Specific Duties

  • Serves as ex-officio member of the BRASS Publications Committee.
  • Attends the semi-annual BRASS Executive Committee meetings.
  • Makes corrections, changes, deletions or additions to the pages of the BRASS Handbook as needed to keep it current with BRASS Executive Committee actions. This includes updating pages, and creating new ones for new positions or new documents. The Handbook Manager updates committee descriptions and the Bylaws when the BRASS Executive Committee approves changes to them. The Handbook Manager also posts approved BRASS Executive Committee minutes when they become available from the BRASS Secretary. The Handbook Manager also updates the BRASS Handbook Table of Contents to make it easy to see which version of a page is the currently correct one.
  • Maintains the BRASS Handbook on a web site. This is the official version of the BRASS Handbook, and can be printed by any Handbook holder as needed to keep his/her Handbook current.
  • Notifies all holders of BRASS Handbooks, including BRASS Executive Committee members, BRASS support position holders, BRASS Representatives to RUSA, and all BRASS committee chairs, of all changes to Handbook pages. Notification will be via BRASS-L.
  • Distributes copies of the entire BRASS Handbook as necessary.
