Financial Literacy Education in Libraries: Guidelines and Best Practices for Service


Financial Literacy Education in Libraries: Guidelines and Best Practices for Service was revised in 2022 by a working team drawn from the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) and Financial Literacy Interest Group (FLIG) of the American Library Association’s (ALA) Reference & User Services Association (RUSA). These revisions enhanced the guidelines first developed as the result of a Sparks! Ignition Grant awarded to RUSA by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

Financial Literacy Education in Libraries: Guidelines and Best Practices for Service was initially created by a working team drawn from BRASS, under the direction of an advisory group of experts in financial literacy. The original document was approved by the RUSA Board on September 29, 2014.

History and Background of the Guidelines:

The impetus for the development of these financial literacy education guidelines and best practices for libraries was the growing demand for high-quality reference services and programming in the areas of personal finance, investing, and other aspects of financial literacy and financial capability. The guidelines and best practices were initially developed as a result of a Sparks! Grant awarded to RUSA by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in 2013-2014. The project began in late October of 2013 with the appointment of a director and Working Team, and the selection of the Advisory Group. The Working Team conducted an environmental scan to identify and assess existing financial guidelines and standards. Draft guidelines were shared with the Advisory Group during quarterly meetings. Feedback and recommendations for the group were incorporated to improve the applicability and accuracy of content areas covered in the document.


Financial Literacy Education in Libraries: Guidelines and Best Practices for Service (PDF)