ETS Bylaws

Article I. Name.

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Emerging Technologies in Reference Section (ETS), a section of the Reference and User Services Association of the American Library Association.

Article II. Objectives.

Section 1. The Emerging Technologies in Reference Section serves reference information service providers who leverage emerging technologies to deliver the highest quality services to our users. In this context of emerging technologies, we advocate for, promote and strengthen user environments and interactions, as well as the creation of innovative information resources, as part of the continuum of reference and user services in libraries.

Section 2. The responsibilities of the Section are:

  1. Reviewing emerging and cutting-edge information technologies,

  2. Assessing the quality and impact of those technologies on reference services,

  3. Educating library and information services staff about using and creatively applying those technologies in reference services,

  4. Developing and supporting guidelines and best practices for library and information services that employ emerging and cutting-edge technology,

  5. Bringing together those who create and provide information resources and services,

  6. Providing a forum for the exchange of experiences and ideas, and

  7. Synthesizing activities and developing partnerships with other units within RUSA and ALA as appropriate.

Article III. Membership.

Section 1. Members of this Section shall be those members of the Reference and User Services Association of the American Library Association who designate the Emerging Technologies in Reference Section according to the American Library Association Bylaws.

Article IV. Officers and Duties.

Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Section shall be a Chair, a vice-Chair who shall be Chair-elect, and a secretary.

Section 2. Terms of Office. The terms of office for Chair and vice-Chair shall be one year; that for secretary shall be two years.

Section 3. Duties. The duties of the officers shall be those customarily performed by such officers, as specified in Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures, unless otherwise specified by a vote of the Section.

Section 4. Vacancies of Office. A vacancy in the office of Chair shall be filled by the vice-Chair, who will then complete both the terms of his/her predecessor and his/her own. In the case of a vacancy in both the offices of Chair and vice-Chair, or of a vacancy in the office of secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of its members to serve until the next regular election.

Article V. Nominations and Election.

Section 1. Nominating Committee. The Chair shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint a Nominating Committee of three members to present a slate of candidates for election to offices of the Section and for the three elected members of the Executive Committee: the Section Representative to the RUSA Board of Directors, and two Directors. The Chair and the other members of the Executive Committee, other than the immediate past Chair, may not serve on the Nominating Committee.

Section 2. Nominations.

    1. Slate. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of two candidates for each office to be filled. The committee shall file the nominations and the written consent of the nominees with the Division’s Executive Director who shall arrange for publication and distribution of the official ballot by the American Library Association.

    2. Additional Nominations. Other nominations may be made by petition of 25 members of the Section, and submitted with the written consent of the nominee to the Executive Director of the Division by the final deadline specified by the American Library Association for inclusion on the ballot.

    3. Eligibility. No person may be nominated who is not a personal member in good standing of the Section at the time of nomination.

Section 3. Elections. Elections shall be held in accordance with the procedures of the American Library Association. For each office, the candidate receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be elected. In the case of a tie vote, the successful candidate shall be determined by lot.

Article VI. Meetings.

Section 1. General Meetings. The Section shall hold a business meeting in connection with the annual conference of the American Library Association.

Section 2. Special Meetings. Other meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or by the Chair upon request of twenty-five members of the Section. Notice of at least one month shall be given, and only the business specified in the call for the meeting shall be transacted.

Section 3. Quorum. Twenty-five members of the Section shall constitute a quorum.

Article VII. Executive Committee.

Section 1. Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, the immediate past Chair, the Section Representative to the RUSA Board of Directors, elected by and from the Section for a three-year term, and two Directors, each elected to a two-year term, as provided in Article V, Section 3.

Section 2. Duties. The Executive Committee shall act for and by the authority of the Section during the period between meetings. It shall report on its work at the regular meetings of the Section, and publish minutes of its meetings on the Section’s Web site.

Section 3. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at both the Annual Conference and the Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association.

Section 4. Quorum. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee

Section 5. Vacancies of Office. In the case of a vacancy in the Executive Committee not provided for in Article IV, Section 4, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member of the Section to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.

Article VIII. Committees.

Section 1. Authorization and Discontinuance. The Executive Committee or the membership of the Section by direction to the Executive Committee may create all standing, special and ad hoc committees, as defined by the American Library Association Handbook. Special and ad hoc committees shall continue in existence until their purpose is accomplished or the committee is discharged by the Section or the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Duties. The duties, name and size of a committee shall be determined at the time of its creation, but the Section Chair may temporarily add any pertinent and relevant duties necessary to carry out the work of the Section.

Section 3. Appointments.

  1. Members. The vice-Chair/ Chair-elect shall appoint those members of committees whose terms are to commence at the same time as he/she assumes the Chair. The Section Chair shall appoint members of committees formed during his/her term in office and shall make appointments to fill vacancies which may occur during his/her term of office. Each committee appointee shall be a member of the Section at the time of appointment or be appointed provisionally, contingent upon becoming a member at the next opportunity.

  2. Chairs. Chairs of committees shall be appointed for one-year terms and may be re- appointed for one additional term. In exceptional cases, and with the approval of the Executive Committee, a chair may be appointed to a third consecutive term.

Article IX. Discussion Groups.

Section 1. Establishment. Any group of 25 or more members of the Section interested in discussing common problems which fall within the purposes of the Section may form a discussion group upon written petition from the group to the Executive Committee of the Section and the Committee on Organization of the Division and upon approval by the Board of Directors of the Division. The petition shall include the purpose of the group and the requirements for membership. Petition signatures must be gathered during one meeting of the Section (either Annual Conference or Midwinter Meeting).

Section 2. Membership. Membership is open to members of the Section who are interested in the purpose of the group and who fulfill the requirements for membership as determined by the group.

Section 3. Officers. Discussion Group officers shall consist of a chair and a vice-chair, and a secretary. The Section Chair-elect shall appoint a secretary who shall take office after Annual Conference and shall succeed to vice-chair in a year's time. The vice-chair shall succeed to chair in a year‘s time. The Section Chair shall fill any vacancy that shall occur. The Discussion Group chair shall preside at meetings of the group during the next year, make a report to the Executive Committee of the Section after each meeting, and ensure that a summary of the discussion is distributed in the Section‘s newsletter and posted on the Section‘s Web site. The Discussion Group secretary shall produce the summary of the discussion.

Section 4. Activities. A discussion group may:

  1. Meet together to discuss common problems

  2. Establish a means of communications among its members

  3. Recommend action to the Executive Committee of the Section

  4. Incur no expenses except as authorized and make no declaration of policy.

Section 5. Discontinuance. Each group shall continue in existence until it be dissolved by action of the Executive Committee.

Article X. Parliamentary Authority.

Section 1. The rules of the latest edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures shall govern the Section in all cases to which they are applicable, provided they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws of the Reference and User Services Association of the American Library Association.

Article XI. Amendments.

Section 1. Proposals. Amendments to the Bylaws shall be proposed by the Executive Committee or by petition of ten members of the Section.

Section 2. Notice. The complete text of any proposed amendment shall accompany a mail ballot. In cases where a vote is to be taken at the annual meeting of the Section, the text of any proposed amendment shall be distributed to the membership of the Section not less than one month before the meeting at which it is to be acted upon.

Section 3. Voting. A vote to amend the bylaws shall be part of the annual ALA balloting process. Bylaws amendments shall be passed by a majority of those members voting.

Section 4. Effective. Unless otherwise specified, amendments to the Bylaws shall become effective upon their approval by the membership.

Article XII. Adoption and Review.

Section 1. These Bylaws shall be adopted and take effect immediately upon their approval by a two- thirds majority of the votes received through the annual ALA balloting process. They shall be reviewed every five years after adoption.

Article XIII. General Provisions.

Section 1. Wherever these Bylaws make no specific provisions, the organization of and procedures in the Section shall correspond to those set forth in the Bylaws of the Reference and User Services Association.

Effective June 1978

Amended: June 1986, June 1987, June 1991, June 1994, March 2000, May 2004, May 2010, May 2015, May 2018