AFL-CIO/ALA Labor Committee


To initiate, develop, and foster, through the organizational structures of the ALA and the AFL-CIO, ways and means of effecting closer cooperation between librarian and labor organizations and the large constituency represented by the labor organizations. to serve as a catalyst for libraries and other institutions to enable them more effectively to fulfill both the expressed and unexpressed needs of the labor community; to encourage wider and more intensive patronage of library facilities by members of the labor community and their families; to keep librarians and labor educators aware of the needs and developments in the labor-library area so that programs, consistent with the goals of the ALA and not inconsistent with the goals of the AFL-CIO, may be developed which are responsive to the current needs of both libraries and/or labor groups. Through its publications and other available media, the joint committee disseminates to librarians, labor educators, and other interested parties, book lists, film lists, and suggested programs to meet the needs of the constituency the committee serves; to provide leadership and assistance to librarians and labor organizations concerning the mutual endeavors, interests and services available.


Shuntai Sykes
(Staff Liaison, July 1, 2020, to January 31, 2099)

Displaying active committee roster as of 02/12/2025. Last retrieved on 02/12/2025. Refresh now.


See RUSA or Section Bylaws.

Subcommitees and Task Forces

See RUSA or Section Bylaws.


See Committee Charge.

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Staff Liaison

Ninah Moore

Training and Events Coordinator

Get Involved

ALA values committed and active committee members. Qualified members are welcome to volunteer to serve on RUSA and section committees. Committee members must have an interest in the work of the committee; be able to attend Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings to participate in the meetings and activities of the committee; and be able to work between conferences via e-mail and ALA Connect. Express your interest in serving on this or other committees by filling out an application form. Appointments take place between Midwinter and Annual conferences. Committee service usually begins following Annual Conference, about July 1, with the exception of the award committees whose work takes place from February to January.