Discussion Lists
Discussion Lists
RUSA maintains a number of e-mail discussion lists for various topics, sections, and committees. The RUSA-L online discussion list is open to all. You must subscribe to the list to send a message to the list. To subscribe, send an email to sympa@lists.ala.org with the following subject:
subscribe rusa-l firstname lastname
(replace firstname and lastname above with your first and last names.) Do not put anything in the body of the message.
Please note that the following guidelines apply to all RUSA lists:
- Only subscribers may post to the list.
- Announcements of conferences, workshops, new publications, and position openings appropriate to the list are allowed.
- All messages should relate to the general topic of the list.
- Attachments may not be included.
- Posting of defamatory and/or offensive material is strictly prohibited, including but not limited to hate-speech, name-calling and personal insults. Respect the rights of others. Remember that an electronic discussion is a commons. Be civil. Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
- All postings must be free of copyright restrictions that limit distribution. Indicate whether users are authorized to copy, print, and or distribute the document.
- The RUSA Executive Committee has the right to remove members of the list who fail to participate as required by the policies stated in this document.
For a complete list of RUSA mailing lists, or for more help using the RUSA list server, visit the List Server webpage.