RASD: Serving Those Who Serve the Public

References and Notes

  1. “Reference Services Division,” ALA Bulletin 51 (December 1957): 861.
  2. Ibid., 862.
  3. Reference Service in American Public Libraries Serving Populations of 10,000 or More: A Report of a Nationwide Survey by the Public Library Reference Survey Committee of the Reference Services Division of the American Library Association. Occasional Papers, Number 61. Urbana, Illinois, University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science, 1961.
  4. RSD Board, Minutes, Annual Conference, 1968, p. 8.
  5. “Up the Down Concourse,” American Libraries2 (September 1971): 797.
  6. “Adult Services Division,” ALA Bulletin 51 (December 1957): 845.
  7. Letter from Grace T. Stevenson, ALA Deputy Executive Director, to Muriel Fuller [ASD President], dated July 18, 1962.

    S. Eleanor Phinney, “Ten Years from the Vantage Point of the Executive Secretary,” ASD Newsletter (Summer 1967): 14.
  8. Attending this preconference solely as a professional commitment and without enthusiasm, this author underwent a conversion experience and to this day ranks this institute among his top continuing education experiences.
  9. Pauli. Weiss, “MARC Notes,” LIIA Newsletter 13 (Winter 1992): 13.
  10. Dorothy M. Sinclair, “The Next Ten Years of Reference Service,” ALA Bulletin 62 January 1968): 61.
  11. M. J. Dustin, “RASD's New Interlibrary Reference Request Form: A Standardized Instrument to Use When a Library's Stumped,” American Libraries 16 (May 1985): 298-99; Sinclair, “The Next Ten Years of Reference Service,” 62.
  12. This author remembers ordering a quantity of the brochures from the then-publisher of the list and receiving brochures arranged alphabetically by author, but beginning with “Coit.” A subsequent shipment brought a quantity of a sheet covering “Agar” through “Churchill” for insertion into the original brochures.
  13. Letter from Ruth M. White [former RSD executive secretary] to Andrew M. Hansen, dated September 24, 1993.
  14. A detailed record of RQ's first twenty-five years may be found in Tillie Krieger, “ RQ 1960 to 1985,” RQ25 (Fall 1985): 121-36.
  15. “From Your Editor,” RQ 1 (November 1960): 2.
  16. ALA Handbook of Organization 197711978 (Chicago: ALA, 1977), 56.
  17. “Summary of Minutes, AJSD Board of Directors, Annual Conference, 1966, New York City,” ASD Newsletter (Fall 1966): 3.
  18. “Minutes,” RASD Board of Directors meeting, Conference, 1967, 5.
  19. Katherine Emerson, “National Reporting on Reference Transactions, 1976-78,” RQ 16 (Spring 1977): 199.
  20. “Minutes,” RASD Board of Directors meeting, ALA Midwinter Meeting, Washington, 1985, Exhibit V1.
  21. Danuta A. Nitecki, “Attitudes Toward Automated Information Retrieval Services Among RASD Members,” RQ 16 (Winter 1976): 133-41; Ruth Katz, “Results from RASD Membership Survey 1977,” RQ 17 (Spring 1978): 202-3.

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