RUSA Board of Directors
Article V of the RUSA bylaws states that the Board of Directors of the Division shall consist of voting and nonvoting members. Voting members shall be the Division officers, the immediate past president of the Division, the chief officer of each section, six members elected at large from the Division membership for staggered three-year terms, and the ALA Councilor elected at large from the Division membership to a three-year term. Nonvoting members shall be the executive director and the editors of the divisional periodical publications.

RUSA Board of Directors
RUSA Board 2024-25 (l to r): Lauren Reiter, Ilana Stonebraker, Cynthia Johnson, Sara Hess, Bil Ladewski -- (Not pictured) Barry Trott, Adebola Fabiku, Alesia McManus, Joseph Yue, Meg Galasso, Kay Coates, Sara Duff, Donte Perry, Renna Redd, Emily Treptow