SRRT Resolutions 2002: Resolution Against the War in Afghanistan

Text of 2002 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Midwinter, against the war in Afghanistan.

Resolution Against the War in Afghanistan

Adopted at 2002 Midwinter Meeting

Whereas the acts of terror of 9/11 against US targets were not the acts of a sovereign nation, nor carried out in official pursuit of the policy of such a nation,

And whereas these terrorist acts have been attributed to Al Qaeda, a criminal network headed by Osama Bin Laden,

And whereas war against an entire nation in pursuit of the guilty parties constitutes "collective punishment," which is specifically prohibited by international covenant,

Therefore be it resolved that the American Library Association opposes:

  1. the war in Afghanistan and its possible extension to other nations as an appropriate response to the heinous terrorism of 9/11/01;
  2. the declaration of an indeterminate "national state of emergency" under which laws are suspended, practices instituted, and precedents set which are destructive of the liberties and rights of the people of the USA (ALA Policy 53.4);
  3. US Government censorship of the mass media's coverage of the war, depriving citizens of the right to know,