SRRT Resolutions 2002: Resolution Against Secret Tribunals
Text of 2002 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Midwinter, against secret tribunals.
Resolution Against Secret Tribunals
Adopted at 2002 Midwinter Meeting
Whereas ALA strongly defends the public's "right to know,"
And whereas the use of secret tribunals is being declared a valid and necessary tool of the US Government in order to fight terrorism,
And whereas secret tribunals raise the gravest concerns regarding the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other national and international covenants,
Therefore be it resolved that ALA opposes the institution of secret tribunals,
And resolved that ALA supports the right of a free press in reporting all trials and legal proceedings,
And resolved that this resolution be distributed to all members of Congress, the President and the Attorney General, and the library press.