SRRT Resolutions 2000: Resolution on World Trade Organization Policies Affecting Libraries
Resolution on World Trade Organization Policies Affecting Libraries
Adopted at 2000 Midwinter Meeting
WHEREAS the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the Canadian Library Association (CLA) have taken similar positions regarding new World Trade Organization (WTO) proposals affecting libraries; and
WHEREAS the national delegates to the November 1999 WHO Ministerial Conference in Seattle were unable to proceed due to large-scale protests by a wide coalition of environmental, labor, religious and civil society organizations; and
WHEREAS the American Library Association (ALA) sent an official representative to observe the WTO meeting; and
WHEREAS the WTO agenda could negatively affect publicly supported libraries as explained in the IFLA and CLA position statements; therefore be it
RESOLVED that SRRT endorses and requests that ALA endorse the IFLA WTO position statement; and be it further
RESOLVED that SRRT requests ALA to work in coalition with other organizations to protect libraries from potential negative effects of the evolving WTO agenda.