SRRT Resolutions 1999: Resolution on the Spectrum Initiative
Text of 1999 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Annual Conference, calling for the removal of the Spectrum Initiative brochure and encouraging the replacement with a positive and appropriate alternative.
Resolution on the Spectrum Initiative
Adopted at 1999 Annual Conference
WHEREAS the Spectrum Initiative is crucial for the broader and more effective development of our profession; and
WHEREAS the photograph on the new Spectrum Initiative brochure cover omits representations of large ethnic groups that have been victims of discrimination; and
WHEREAS the brochure refers peculiarly to people of “every hue” focusing on genetic attributes rather than culture; and
WHEREAS the brochure avoids the question of the need to fight racism and institutionalized discrimination; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the SRRT Action Council of the American Library Association urges removal of this brochure and substituting a positive and appropriate alternative.