SRRT Resolutions 1999: Resolution on Sandy Berman
Resolution on Sandy Berman
Adopted at 1999 Annual Conference
WHEREAS Sanford Berman is one of the most respected voices in the field of librarianship; and
WHEREAS his dedicated work at Hennepin County Library has enhanced the reputation of HCL tremendously through his innovated approaches to cataloging and brought it significant benefits; and
WHEREAS Sanford Berman was formally reprimanded by management and then reassigned (i.e. removed from his position in cataloging) on account of his discussion of professional matters with colleagues and the voicing of his principled opinions on library matters; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association decries the denial of Sanford Berman's rights to discuss differing opinions on professional matters in his area of expertise, and express our outrage at the behavior of Hennepin County Library, Berman's employer, who, in retribution, exiled him to work away from the cataloging to which he has dedicated several highly productive decades; and finally be it
RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association calls for censure of Hennepin County Libraries administration for its infringements of Berman's free speech rights, for its retribution against him and its overall violations of his professional rights.